This rare & powerful crystal is worth obtaining to add to you’re collection... kimberlite is a matrix crystal with some amazing benefits the list sure goes on & on... It’s mined out of the biggest diamond mines in the world, so this crystal is rare (because it may still contain diamonds) it’s not often released from the mines due to this, so hence it makes it a rare crystal to obtain. We can link this crystal to the zodiac signs Cancer & Sagittarius, it works amazingly with all 7 chakras & your earth star chakra. Some of the amazing benefits this crystal can bring in to your life are. Makes a perfect meditation tool, great for out of body work (Astro travel etc), helps you to over come trauma & past hurts, brings peace & calm in to your life, helps you to complete your projects & goals, strengthens your insights & connection to source, helps you to focus on your life’s purpose, brings in psychic protection, opens new levels of awareness, connects you to your spirit guides, great for distance healing work, can balance your energy & promotes physical wellbeing.