EMF= electric magnetic filed/frequency, these are the best crystals to help fight against negative energies such as WiFi, electrical currents, radiation, bad juju & more! Perfect for the home, work space & all the family.
we can link this crystal to all the zodiac fire signs Aries, Leo & Sagittarius, it a crystal that works with the solar plexus chakra. Some of the benefits this crystal can bring in to your life are. It brings balance & power back in to our lives, the perfect crystal for protection & grounding (think.. emotional vampires, PET personal emotional trainers), absorb negativity from our environment, great EMF Crystal, helps bring in focus, great for manifestation work, promotes leadership within us, a crystal with a masculine energy.
We can link this crystal to the zodiac sign Aries, it works amazingly with the root chakra & it has very grounding energies. Some of the benefits this crystal can bring in to your life are. It’s said to bring you strength & relieve your fears, known to boost energy flow, great for all matters of bone & blood, the crystal to keep you balanced, helps boost self confidence & self esteem, strong emf protection & great absorber of all things negative.
If you’re already looking up shungite you already know how power this crystal is it’s 98% carbon & one of the best crystals for absorbing all the negativity life can bring. The zodiac sign we can link this crystal to is Aries, it works amazingly with the root chakra. Some of the benefits this crystal can bring in to your life are. It’s said to balance the male & female energies, can protect you aura, breaks bad luck, helps overacted egos, can awaken new levels of consciousness, great for psychic protection, amazing emf crystal.
We can link this crystal to the zodiac sign Libra & Scorpio, it works amazingly with the root chakra & has strong grounding energies. Some of the benefits this crystal can bring in to your life are; It’s said to clear & cleanse the aura, fabulous emf protection crystal, Helps us to feel more balanced, perfect for psychic protection, shields you from negativity & negative energy ( emotional vampires & pets*), can help with bad sleep patterns & insomnia, can help with energy blockages.
PETS= Personal, Emotional, Trainers. People that test your emotions